Sunday, June 13, 2010


I am not currently teaching ESL I do however teach 2nd grade in the Middle Tennesse area which gives me the opportunity to have ESL students in my classroom all day. I took this class for two reasons. One reason was because as a teacher I believe reading is one of the most important core parts of the curriculum. I am always looking, reading, and attending workshops to learn about how to help my students beacome better readers. I believe as an educator it is my duty for all my students to be able to improve his or her reading after they leave my classroom. The second reason for taking this class is because a lot of my students are ESL students. I want to be able to help. Even though I love our resources at school I wanted to know as an educator what my students need in order to succeed.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right! As teachers in the middle Tennessee area, I feel that everyone (at some point) comes in contact with ESL students.
