Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Blog #3

What will work with your students?
I feel like several of the assignments will work for my students. The writing prompt will help students prepare for the end of the year writing exam. The clozed activity will help the students will reading strategies and context clues. I also think the choral reading really helps with fluency and reading with expression.

What information can you offer thos just beginning the ESL teaching journey?
The advice I would offer to those would be use your resources wisely. I would tell them not to allow these students to fell through the cracks because of the challenge but to use the web or use other teachers to help generate ideas to help these students.

How will you use the information, methodsm and strategies learned in YOED 6020?
I will use a lot of the assignments in my classroom to help teach my ESL learners. I will also use some of the websites to read and research more ideas as well.

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